CT Scan: Find the best CT Centre in Ahmedabad | Affordable CT Scan Prices | Conveniently Located Near You

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What is CT Scan?

Usmanpura Imaging Centre

CT scan is an advanced low radiation diagnostic procedure, which can be performed over the whole body from head to toe. CT scan for the brain helps us diagnose hemorrhage or other damages in the brain.

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Types of CT Scan

Contrast & Non-Contrast

1. Non-contrast CT Scan: Non – contrast is like a walk-in walk-out procedure, which can be performed within 2-3 minutes. No pre-diagnostic mandates are suggested for the non-contrast procedure
2.Contract CT Scan: Before the procedure, the patient has to get a serum creatinine blood test done and we have to make sure that the kidney functions are within the normal range because the contrast or dye can have adverse effects on preexisting kidney disease patients.

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