Sonography (Ultrasound / USG): Reliable Sonography Centre in Ahmedabad | Conveniently Located Near You

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What is Advanced Sonography

The color doppler gives us an accurate reading of how much blood flow is in the blood vessels. Elastography is done for the breast, thyroid, and liver. With the help of elastography, we can know how much fibrosis is in the tissues, and based on those statistics we can find out whether it is cancerous or not. Through 3D-4D antenatal sonography, the Baby's(fetus) images can be seen.

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Sonography is the safest

USG is the safest, fastest, and zero radiation modality. Sonography is absolutely safe for small children and even for pregnant women. Don't be scared if your doctor suggests repeat sonography done, one can do it as many times as it is required. The gel used in sonography is a water-based gel that is completely safe. We advise you to wear loose clothes to get sonography done and keep napkins handy.

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Sonography or Ultrasound

The best patient care is our ultimate goal. Achieving this requires confident diagnosis even with daily increases in patient throughput. Today we would like to share some important details about Sonography / USG. Accurate diagnosis of a patient can be done in a very short time with the help of ultra-modern ultrasound machines like the latest 5D with liver elastography.

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